Tuesday, April 3, 2012

All work and no play!

              It’s that time of year again. For those in university or college, this is the crunch time of final exams, yikes! So before we can enjoy the freedom of summer, we have to experience hell first! This is a very stressful, busy, and demanding time of year for most people, and with such large responsibilities to think about, people forget to take care of themselves! I thought id give you all a few tips to help clear your mind and keep healthy during such stressful times.
1. Sleep: getting the right amount of hours of sleep, especially during this time, is crucial. You’re putting a lot of strain on your body & mind so it’s very important to replenish all that used energy by getting a sufficient amount of sleep. 7-8 hours would be optimal. If you have a hard time sleeping when you're stressed, try drinking camomile tea. Not only does it taste great, but it helps relax your body and mind. Some of you may think you don’t have time to sleep; however, putting that much stress on your body and not sleeping enough is definitely detrimental to your well being. Your body can only handle so much strain!
2. Eat healthy: Your body needs all the nutrients it can get during these times! Try to stay away from fast food, although it’s tempting when you have minimal time, it’s very detrimental to your well being. Instead, chose foods that help fight fatigue; such as, nuts, spinach, whole wheat, , yogurt, dark choclate, etc. There are plenty healthy & tasty alternatives to the yucky fast food options!
3. Drink plenty of fluids: water water water! Make sure you keep hydrated because it will help get rid of those nasty headaches you may be getting. If you need to get your quick fix of caffeine, try green tea instead of a fancy mocha shmocha from starbucks. Not only is green tea cheaper, it also gives you enough caffeine to keep you alert with a bonus of various health benefits. 
4. Work out: Even if you work out for 10-20 minutes a day, it’s better than nothing. You’re putting so much strain on yourself that working out for a few minutes a day will help you feel less stressed, and happier. Exercising releases endorphins, and endorphins make you happy! So work out!
5. Don’t procrastinate: For whatever reason, we all seem to do it! But lets get real, if you didn’t procrastinate so much, you wouldn’t be freaking out right now! So study a few hours every day whenever you have a chance. Instead of watching a movie with your best friends, stay in and get a head! Im writing this entry while in class…. Perhaps I should take my own advice, haha!

I know everyone is stressed out, but you have to remember to take care of yourself because your body & mind can only take so much! Study study study! When exams are over, it will be well worth it. Just remember, summer is around the corner, suffer now so you can play later! ;)

-Good luck everyone!

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